So far, our largest problem has been narrowing our issue to one that can be solved by a project of our scope. Initially we looked to fix a system that has been near perfected, triage, and quickly found very few actual issues involved. We then moved to just general disasters, but that wasn't specific enough at all. Only now have we decided to land on communication in cases of disasters, and we still don't know where to start with out our solution. We have also struggled to get involved with our mentors, due to our ever shifting project.
On a more positive note, I feel like we have a solid research base on our issue, having read through many accounts of communication struggles facing first responders, and I believe we will be able to use said research to create a product that can save lives.
Getting ideas from multiple sources is important because everyone has different perspectives on how to solve any issue do to having different backgrounds and knowledge pools, and by pulling information from as many as possible, it is more likely that you will find a creative solution you didn't think of. A variety of sources can also lend itself better to clarity, as some sources are harder to understand and require more prior knowledge that can only be acquired by researching important background information.