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Basic Class Info


Santa Monica

Time & Location

Basic Class Info

Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA, USA

About the event

Engineering Design & Development (EDD)

Syllabus & Course Expectations


Ms. Breanna Snyder, i223


Website: &

Google Classroom Code: i3p9ihs

Phone: 310-395-3204 ext. 71223


Engineering Design and Development (EDD) is the capstone course in the PLTW high school engineering program. It is an

engineering research course in which students work in teams to research, design and develop an original solution to a valid

open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process. At the end of the course, student teams must

submit a final written report as well as report and defend their final solution to outside reviewer panel (trade show). In

addition, students will complete smaller projects during first semester.


Students enrolled in PLTW EDD are not required to pay any fee, deposit, or other charge for participation in an educational

activity offered by the school or the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, except as authorized by law. Donations are

sought and accepted for various activities and supplies, and are at times critical to the continued success of classes and

activities, but donations are voluntary.

Listed below are recommended materials for students taking PLTW EDD. These materials are not required, and full

participation in the course does not require the purchase of any of these materials. State law requires us to provide a public

education free of charge. Subject to certain exceptions, the right to a free public education means we cannot require students

or their families to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, to pay security deposits for

access, participation, materials, or equipment, or to make donations to a class activity or program.

Recommended Materials:

 Pens and pencils

 Folder with paper

 *Instead of an engineering notebook students will create a digital portfolio


State law requires us to provide a public education free of charge. Subject to certain exceptions, the right to a free public

education means we cannot require students or their families to purchase supplies. Santa Monica High School will provide all

necessary supplies for your child to have a quality educational experience.

Due to limited funding for necessary materials/supplies we ask that parents/guardians make a donation to the PLTW

Engineering Class to purchase materials for the Year Long Project, the JPL competition materials, and for class field

trips. We are requesting a donation of $100 per student, but any amount is greatly appreciated. These funds will make

the 4 th year engineering class better for all our students. You may send this donation by check made out to Santa

Monica High School ASB and write “ PLTW” in the memo.

I thank you in advance for your willingness to help support the program.

NOTE: The instructor retains the right to make changes, additions, and deletions to the syllabus during the course of the year.

Check with the class website for the most recent copy of the syllabus.


Grades will be broken down into four grading categories:

25% Individual Projects

25% Group Projects

20 % Presentations

25% Assignments/Homework (Personal Website and Blog)

5% Clean-Up


When participating in a lab students are expected to take care of and properly use all equipment. If you accidentally break an

item or are unsure of the proper use of equipment, notify the teacher immediately. Goofing around or failure to follow

instructions may result in disciplinary action, and possibly exclusion from lab /activity participation.

 No food, no drinks.

 Do not touch projects that are not yours.

 Do not operate power tools without teacher approval.

 Clear all table tops and floors before you leave.

 Log off your computer before you leave and store into the correct computer slot.

*Always be mindful of your time and begin cleaning up your area at least 5 minutes before class ends.


If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get caught up with notes, assignment and/or projects. First check class website,

then ask a peer, and if you still have questions come ask me outside of class time. Excessive absences may result in no credit

for the course. Students are expected to be in their seat ready to learn when the bell rings.


Students will be assessed for the following EDD Concepts listed below.


 Personal Website/Blog

 What’s the Problem?

o Individual Research and Presentation of an

innovative solution.

 JPL Challenge & Field Trip

 Capstone Project

o Research a Problem

o Design a Solution

 Capstone Project

o Create a Prototype & Testing Plan

o Evaluate & Reflect on the Design Process

o Present the Design Process

o Beyond EDD

 Ethics In Engineering

 Patent Research


Playing non-approved games, downloading files or music, participating in online gaming or social networking, and streaming

video are not permitted in class. Use of SMMUSD equipment is a privilege, not a right. Those who choose to violate any

District Policy will result in loss of technology privileges and/or disciplinary action.

 Computer – allowed during class hours, at the discretion of Mrs. Snyder

 iPods/Music devices – not allowed during class hours

 Phones – not allowed during class hours

PLAGIARISM & CHEATING Copying of any work or providing work for another student to copy is not permitted in any

circumstances. Any student involved in cheating will receive an automatic 0 for their grade and

will be referred for disciplinary action.

NOTE: The instructor retains the right to make changes, additions, and deletions to the syllabus during the course of the year.

Check with the class website for the most recent copy of the syllabus.

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